Mission Trips

Go With Us

“Working with these kids, seeing how they just light up when you talk to them, was really amazing. They appreciated us just being there. They wanted us to read to them, sing with them, talk with them, and play games with them.”

Don’t just sit there! Come with us on an adventure that will change your life and give love and hope to children across the world from you. We promise you will never be the same.

Many times we’ve asked our staff in Liberia and India, “Instead of us sending a team, why don’t we just send you the money we pay for the trip so you can use the funds to pay for salaries, medical supplies and school supplies?” The answer is always the same- they prefer us being there. Why? It is very important to the children that they see that there are people in the world who care for them.

What do we do there?

We spend a lot of time with children that are not used to having attention. They are not used to being hugged or tickled. Many of the adults in their lives are illiterate and can’t read them a story – or if they can read, they can’t afford to buy a book. They can’t play four square or basketball because they don’t own a ball. We go there to spend time with the children, showing them there are people in the world who care for them. We teach phonics, math, English, first aid, sex education, hygiene, meal preparation, soccer and basketball techniques and other topics.

Mission Trips:

Liberia– Please CLICK HERE to download and read the Mission Team book for Liberia and complete the required forms- team covenant, application and child protection policy.

India– Please CLICK HERE to download and read the Mission Team book for India and complete the required forms-  team covenant, application and child protection policy.

Zambia– Please CLICK HERE to download and read the Mission Team book for Zambia and complete the required forms-  team covenant, application and child protection policy.

CLICK HERE to view the Mission Team Application
CLICK HERE to view the Mission Team Covenant
CLICK HERE to view the Child Protection Policy

Interested? Let us know and we’ll send you more info: