Sustainable Pig Farming in Zambia

 We have an exciting project starting in Zambia. Through the help of STC, Pure Nard Ministries will be able to have a sustainable pig farm. This project is in the beginning stages with the construction of the pig pens. The team is very busy clearing driveways and digging waste pits and the foundation to prepare the pig farm site. 

This project will provide sustainability, food security, life skills training and job creation. This self sustainability approach to ministry has a long lasting impact and will continue to give those we serve in Zambia opportunities for income generation to be utilized for ministry operations and development. 

The chicken sustainability project has been very successful and these projects will serve as a model that can be followed by the students in the Teen Challenge program, children in the preschool and the entire community. Several people will be equipped through this pig farming project in livestock husbandry skills, that will make them employable. Also, several jobs will be created for people within the community. Thank you donors for helping this project get started and changing the lives of children and families across the world.