Thank You!

Thank you for all your support at Serve the Children’s 15th Annual Dinner & Dessert Auction!

On October 20th we raised over $100,000!  We are so thankful for your attendance and your giving. Because of your generosity we are able to make a difference in the lives of children across the world through the following kinds of projects:

  • School supplies for our children and staff
  • Textbooks and replacement of desks and chairs in our schools
  • Equipment for our computer lab
  • Medical supplies for our nurse to treat our children and staff
  • 10 new kids received sponsorship
  • In the slums of Mumbai, India, many of the women and children earn a meager living by picking rags from the dump and selling them. They are vulnerable to human trafficking, disease, and malnutrition. We offer a day school for children ages 2 to 15 who would otherwise have no hope of education. Your generosity will provide supplies, food, and a brighter future for these children.
  • Pure Nard Preschool in Zambia provides students with a warm, Christ-centered learning environment. Right now, the only primary school option for our students is an overcrowded government school.  Because of your support we can build on the foundation of quality education by beginning construction on a first-grade classroom.
  • Junior high classrooms at our rural 15 Gate School will give students practical help for the future in an area where there is no other opportunity for education. Many of our 15 Gate students are the first ones in their families to learn to read. Providing further education at our school will not just help them personally; it will enable them to benefit their families and motivate them to invest in others in their community.

Your gifts make it possible for the kids we serve to not just survive but to thrive and FLOURISH!  These kids have a HOPE and a FUTURE because of you!